Coursework: Preliminary exercise feedback and LR

 1) Type up your teacher's feedback in full plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class.


  • One absolutely massive immediate problem: it’s in portrait. This is a professional TV brief and it’s crucial you produce something that could go on Netflix or iPlayer and not look out of place (if you want a top grade). This is effectively a YouTube short which is a completely different type of media.
  • I don’t like the opening POV shot – it feels like a 90s videogame rather than a 2023 TV drama. The prop / blood is OK but the shot lasts too long.
  • I like the heartbeat-style sound effect / music in the background, it’s perfect for building tension.
  • The dialogue communicates meaning but it’s pretty clichéd – it feels like a narrative/character that has been done before. There’s also no clear positioning of the audience in terms of who we are meant to be sympathising with. Are we on his side or not? 

2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write three WWW bullet points and three EBI bullet points for your work.
WWW: Props are good
WWW: Crime genre clearly conveyed.
WWW:  The sound fit the well.

EBI: recorded in wrong resultion 
EBI: first person shots don't work
EBI: lack of dialogue

3) How effectively did you complete the objective you laid out in your mini preliminary exercise statement of intent?
It was completely different from the preliminary exercise.

4) What have you learned from the preliminary exercise that will help you in the actual coursework project?
To have the recording on landscape instead of portrait.

5) Now you have completed the preliminary exercise, will you change anything about your actual coursework video plan? This could include your concept, cast/actors and narrative or technical elements such as mise-en-scene, camerawork or editing.
I maintain the same concept but bring my a whole cast.


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